How to make money in RedGage ?

RedGage gives you the power to share your blogs, pictures, videos, documents, and links all in one convenient place. But, the most exciting part is...

day in the life: lunch moneyImage by emdot via Flickr

RedGage is a website that pays you for the content you create.

You can make money from all of your content at RedGage. Just upload your photos and videos or link to your Associated Content or E-Zine articles or even your blog posts and start making money.

Watch below on how to upload any of your contents to RedGage.

Go to RedGage and start making some money !

I just become an active member at RedGage four days ago and uploaded 22 contents ( links and blogs), and I have earned $5.50 ! Not bad, eh ... for a beginner. I doubt if you can earn like that with adsense within a few days.

You can view my profile at RedGage HERE.

Go to RedGage and start making some money !

How RedGage pays you ? Click HERE.


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  1. wow!
    this is really new and looks promising. i have resgistered and submitted one post. but i cannot get information on how to claim the money earned.

    Recent blog:=- Weekly Tweets Digest for 2009-07-11

  2. Hi Roslan - At the post above, I did put the line "How RedGage will pay you" ... once your total earnings = $25, RG will send you a Visa Card that can be used in any part of the world.

    Do submit more contents, articles,pictures etc .. the more people view and comments and rate yr content, the higher yr earnings ! :*

    Recent blog:=- Powerful social media ...

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